We’re pleased to inform you that the management of the FGLOANGRANT PCGS has provided an Alternative Method For FGLOANGRANT NIN Verification due to the difficult situation applicants are going through via the first verification method.
The FGLoanGrant PCGS applicants can verify their NIN using the alternative methods via the steps below. For seamless verification process, follow these simple steps devoid of One Time Password (OTP);
1) log on to the verification environment through the link contained in the message received.
See Also: Revolutionizing Skill Acquisition in Nigeria
2) Click on “Use Alternative Method”
3) You’ll be talken to the next page where some of your information are needed. Provide the information in the corresponding spaces, then click “Submit“
Check the attached images for demonstration
NOTE: You will be required to use your Surname, BVN and NIN to complete the verification. Ensure that your Surname and BVN match with what you applied with.
payment for applicants who had successfully verified their NiN is ongoing. So the earlier you verify your NIN the quicker you get paid.
NIN Verification is a necessary criteria to get paid according to management. No NIN Verification no payment, that is the rules.
The grant sum is N50,000.00 (Fifty Thousand Naira) per beneficiary, and it is designed to reach one million nano businesses in the 774 local government areas. The Federal Government will collaborate with the State Governments, Honourable Ministers, NASME (Nigerian Association of Small and Medium Enterprises), Senators, and House of Representative Members, who will use the Federal Government’s selection criteria below to shortlist the beneficiaries from their constituents.
The target beneficiaries are 70% women and youth, 10% people with disabilities, and 5% senior citizens, while the remaining 15% is distributed to other demographics.
1) Own a nano business.
2) Operate a business with progressive economic potential, and desire to grow the business.
3) Be willing to engage at least one additional staff member if turnover increases
4) Be willing to provide proof of residential/business address in the Local Government Area
5) Provide relevant personal and bank account information, including Bank Verification, (BVN) for verification of identity and National Identification Number (NIN)
To apply for the ongoing federal government Grant, visit https://www.fedgrantandloan.gov.ng/ to apply. Verified Applicants are Nano business owners, with residential address, NIN and BVN updated. CAC isn’t necessary for the Grant.
See Also: How to Apply for a Loan without Collateral
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